नोटिस की अवधि

आखिरी अपडेट Jul 13, 2022

नोटिस की अवधि क्या है?

जब आप अपनी नौकरी को छोड़ने का निर्णय लेते हैं, तो आपको यह बात नियोक्ता को उन्हें छोड़ने के अपने इरादे की अग्रिम सूचना देकर बताने की आवश्यकता होती है। इसे नोटिस की अवधि कहते हैं।

नोटिस की अवधि कितनी लंबी होती है?

नोटिस की अवधि आपके रोजगार अनुबंध में दी गई होगी। नोटिस की औसत अवधि आमतौर पर 1 से 3 माह होती है। आपके नियोक्ता को इस नोटिस अवधि के दौरान आपको आपका सामान्य वेतन देना होगा।

नोटिस की अवधि में छूट या विस्तार

परिस्थितियों के आधार पर, नियोक्ता नोटिस की अवधि माफ कर सकता है या फिर आपसे नोटिस की अवधि को बढ़ाने का अनुरोध कर सकता है। आप चाहे तो नोटिस की अवधि को बढ़ाने के अनुरोध को अस्वीकार कर सकते हैं, यदि ऐसा करना आपके अनुबंध के विरुद्ध नहीं है।

नोटिस अवधि के बिना छोड़ना

नोटिस या किसी भी संवाद के बिना छोड़ने के विपरीत परिणाम हो सकते हैं, जैसे कि अनुबंध के उल्लंघन के लिए मुकदमा किया जाना या नियोक्ता आपके खिलाफ मध्यस्थता की कार्यवाही शुरू कर सकता है।



    May 11, 2024

    I want to quit my job due to personal reasons. My notice period is 3 month but I can only do one and half month notice. I am unable to buyout my remaining notice period? What can I do?

    Alka Manral

    July 8, 2024

    Regarding your query about resigning from your job due to personal reasons and being unable to fulfill the full 3-month notice period, please consider the following guidance based on Indian employment laws:

    Negotiation with Employer:
    Engage in open communication with your employer. Discuss your personal reasons for wanting to leave early and propose a shorter notice period (e.g., 1.5 months instead of 3 months). Employers may consider your request if it aligns with their operational needs and policies.

    Mutual Agreement:
    If your employer agrees to a shorter notice period, ensure that the agreement is documented in writing. A mutual termination agreement should specify the revised end date of your employment. Both parties should sign it to avoid future disputes.

    Consequences of Breach:
    Leaving before completing the agreed notice period without mutual consent may lead to consequences. Your employer may deduct salary for the remaining notice period as per the employment contract. Courts generally uphold such deductions if they are legally provided for.

    Legal Consultation:
    Seek legal advice from an employment lawyer specializing in Indian laws. They can guide you on your rights, obligations, and potential risks associated with early termination. A lawyer can also assist in negotiating a mutually acceptable solution.


    November 8, 2024

    Regarding your query about resigning from your job due to personal reasons and being unable to fulfill the full 3-month notice period, please consider the following guidance based on Indian employment laws:

    Negotiation with Employer:
    Engage in open communication with your employer. Discuss your personal reasons for wanting to leave early and propose a shorter notice period (e.g., 1.5 months instead of 3 months). Employers may consider your request if it aligns with their operational needs and policies.

    Mutual Agreement:
    If your employer agrees to a shorter notice period, ensure that the agreement is documented in writing. A mutual termination agreement should specify the revised end date of your employment. Both parties should sign it to avoid future disputes.

    Consequences of Breach:
    Leaving before completing the agreed notice period without mutual consent may lead to consequences. Your employer may deduct salary for the remaining notice period as per the employment contract. Courts generally uphold such deductions if they are legally provided for.

    Legal Consultation:
    Seek legal advice from an employment lawyer specializing in Indian laws. They can guide you on your rights, obligations, and potential risks associated with early termination. A lawyer can also assist in negotiating a mutually acceptable solution.

    Gaurav kamble

    July 28, 2024

    Manager ka notice period kaisa hota hai

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